Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ten Last Minute Reminders

Here are few important notes for the trip.
  1. Hiking Boots or Tennis Shoes?- If possible, both. But don't go out and buy a new pair of hiking boots. The majority of the time the kids will be quite comfortable in their tennis shoes. The trails are well maintained, consist of gravel, and mostly dry. If it rains excessively, then some waterproof boots or shoes will come in very handy, or at the very least have a back-up pair of tennis shoes.
  2. My Sleeping Bag Doesn't Fit- Your child's sleeping bag should be packed in their duffel bag or suitcase if possible. If not, please pack them in a plastic bag and label it with their name.
  3. How Do I Contact My Child- The best way is by letter. There simply isn't time or enough phones to have every child call home. If there is an emergency, your child should become ill, or there is a behavior problem we will call to inform you. The mailing address is: Your Child's Name, Shirley Hills 4th Grade, Wolf Ridge ELC, 6282 Cranberry Road, Finland MN 55603.
  4. When do we arrive Monday? Between 8:00 and 8:15. Drop off your child's luggage by the buses where some of the chaperones will be loading the buses. Then head into the gym and find your child's group leader. Give the teacher your child's money for the store, their bag lunch, and any medication and info needed. After that, the kids should get on the bus and find a seat so we can depart by 8:40.
  5. What Classes Will My Child Be Taking? Check the green packet that will come home on Friday, May 8th. It will include last minute details and your child's schedule.
  6. When Will My Child Be Back? The buses are scheduled to arrive back at Shirley Hills at 3:00 PM on Friday, May 11th- traffic depending.
  7. Who Will Be With My Child? Lots of caring adults. Twenty-six Shirley Hills parents and staff will be accompanying the 4th graders. Our goal is for your child to be safe, learn lots, and have fun.
  8. What About Food? Wolf Ridge provides three meals a day and snacks were purchased with your generous donations. For the week's menu check: www.wolf-ridge.org.
  9. When Will My Child Get His/Her Sweatshirt? Sweatshirts will be dispersed Monday morning when you arrive.
  10. What Can I Do To Prepare My Child? Talk to them about their behavior and how you expect them to conduct themselves while away from home. A lot of time and money has gone into this trip and we want it to be as enriching an experience as possible.